
Control Your Chinese Name!


By Design that makes more F.A.M.E. with easy

China-related Business Owners, Coaches, Consultants, International Directors, Authors, Scholars, Thought Leaders…

want the ‘Covid-proof’ way to make F.A.M.E. easier with a well-designed Chinese name – Fab connections, Aspiring stories, Memorable name, Enhancing impact…

without having to lose your own cultural identity, let your Chinese name by default harm your reputation, take forever to make relationships /guanxi 关系

Do You Struggle with Any of These?

(Even though you try to use the free computer-generated translators or inexperienced Chinese people.)

I’m tired of being called LaoWai 老外/ foreigner, nameless.

I feel ignored or mistreated by the Chinese more often than pre-covid.

I’m nervous about having a culturally inappropriate Chinese name that hurts my reputation.

I’m frustrated with my Chinese name by default that is meaningless and useless.

I’m overwhelmed with so many Chinese names to choose.

I have no idea how to gift a good Chinese name for myself or my loved one.

Chinese Name designed by Ellen that makes F.A.M.E.

Why Is a Chinese Name by Design Significant?​​

 “If NAMES are not correct, language will not be in accordance with the truth of things. If language is not in accordance with the truth of things, affairs cannot be carried on to SUCCESS. 名不正, 则言不顺; 言不顺, 则事不成.” – Confucius / KongZi 孔子

Misinformation, misunderstanding, mistrust, and disconnections have increased the divide between the West and China post Covid-19.

Both your personal and professional lives might have been impacted.

If you have tried everything and are still having trouble being recognised globally, forming satisfying relationships, expanding your business in an ethical manner, or significantly amplifying your effect…

you are probably missing out ONE IMPORTANT thing – your Chinese name by design.

Because by default, all non-Chinese names are translated into Chinese by only using the actual sound (known as transliterate). They’re meaningless to the Chinese and likely associated with mistrusted unfriendly foreigners / Lao Wai老外.

Imagine Yourself Saying…

Using my Chinese name feels easy and authentic!

I’m comfortable telling the story behind my Chinese name.

I’m happy with the relationships with my Chinese contacts.

My name and business are expanding with China.

I feel enriched with the Chinese culture.

I feel respected with the prestige status.

I feel powerful to impact on more people in the world.

I feel fulfilled by leaving a lasting name and legacy.

Chinese Name Creator Ellen Yule /YuLing余玲

Let the Chinese Name Designer Ellen Help You Create a Proper Chinese Name that Makes F.A.M.E.

It’s possible!

Hi, I’m the Chinese Name creator Ellen Yule / Yú Líng 余玲, a Chinese by birth and a Kiwi by choice.

My mission is to create magic Chinese names that make F.A.M.E. (Fab connections Aspiring stories Memorable name Enhancing impact) for the Western leaders, China-related business owners, coaches, authors, scholars, and experts.

When we work together, we’re going to…

Use my PIPICI Chinese Name Design System, 9-point Chinese Name Evaluation Filter, and pass the FAME & SHAME Test, based on my philosophy: a well-designed Chinese name should make you FAME instead of SHAME.

So, you make better widespread name, richer professional and personal life, and bigger positive impact in the world.

I also offer Affiliate, Gifting, Service Exchange, Fundraising programs. Email me for more details.

Trusted by People and Brands You Know

Graham McGregor /Guo GuanBin郭冠彬 - Chinese Name by Ellen

Graham McGregor / Guo GuanBin郭冠彬 (Marketing Expert, New Zealand)


I like the way the name incorporates all the things I care deeply about.

I recommend Ellen’s Chinese name service to any business person who would like to give themselves a positive point of difference in a crowded market place.

Donna Kerridge /Ke RuMu柯茹沐 -Chinese Name by Ellen

Donna Kerridge / Ke RuMu柯茹沐 (Māori Medicine Expert, New Zealand)


“I wasn’t sure about the concept at first but now that I have experienced it, I love it!

My Chinese Name is very comprehensive and Ellen’s service extremely personalised.”

Flavia Company/Kang YiFei康艺斐 - Chinese Name by Ellen

Flavia Company / Kang YiFei康艺斐 (Writer of 40+ books, Argentina & Spain)


“I was really happy when I got my Chinese name designed by Ellen. I think that being able to use a proper name in Chinese is inspiring and poetic.

I am sure I will use it also for one of my characters.


Want Personalized Chinese Name?