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Your Story of Chinese Name that Makes F.A.M.E.
(Fab connections Aspiring stories Memorable name Enhancing impact)
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” – William Shakespeare
Real people, inspiring stories and case studies reveal how the good Chinese names designed by Ellen Yule /Yú Líng 余玲, help them professionally and personally, and bring them more opportunities, prosperity, fulfilment, joy, and impact.
These real success stories are part of Ellen’s upcoming book ‘WHAT’S IN A CHINESE NAME?’.
Would you like to be a story hero, a book reader or reviewer? Contact Ellen.
Story of Amelia Homs Ferrer / Yang JinQing 杨锦清
A good Chinese name by design works for you while a bad Chinese name by default against you.
Amelia Homs Ferrer (originally from Barcelona, Spain) is co-director of 2WAYS Tours New Zealand. She loves travelling and embracing diverse cultures. She speaks Catalan, Spanish, English, Maori, and Arabic.
With little understanding of Chinese language, she wanted a Chinese name on paper as an inspiring holiday souvenir.
Amelia paid for her first Chinese name to a Chinese descendant name maker when she first visited Singapore in the late 1990s. And it was not cheap.
So, Amelia got her Chinese name: Ai MiLe 爱米乐 (爱ai = love, 米mi = rice, 乐le = happy).
This three-character Chinese name looked and sounded like a good Chinese name, but it’s NOT.
Because it had bad meaning and karma. She was pictured like a mouse that loved rice and was happy with it.
What’s wrong with this bad Chinese name?
The problem was that her Chinese name was made solely based on the pronunciation of her first name. And her family name, her personality and identity were completely ignored.
Amelia was shocked when Chinese name designer Ellen Yule (Chinese name: Yú Líng 余玲) explained to her the ridiculous meaning of her Chinese name.
This Chinese name made Amelia feel so disrespected and embarrassed that she hid it in a drawer. What a waste of money and time.
Chinese names by default are meaningless and sometimes even cause confusion, negativity, and harm.
I’m now confident to use my Chinese name. I feel connected. My Chinese name earns me more trust.
I’m now confident to use my Chinese name designed by Ellen when I get in touch with my Chinese clients, friends and contacts.
I feel connected, not like a strange LaoWai 老外/ foreigner. My Chinese name creates a talking point and earns me more trust.
What a good Chinese Name looks and feels like?
“A good Chinese name for you, a non-Chinese speaker, should be designed to combine the meaning and pronunciation of your original name, your personality, career, lifestyle, personal preferences, anything you love deeply, and the Chinese cultural references,” Ellen explained to Amelia.
After using Ellen’s PIPICI Chinese Name Design System, 9-point Chinese Name Evaluation Filter and passing the FAME & SHAME Test, Amelia got back her true identity in a good Chinese name – 杨锦清 Yang JinQing.
Like all Catalan and Spanish people, Amelia has two surnames that are equally important.
Her Chinese surname 杨 Yang is the literary meaning of her father’s surname Homs: poplar tree.
It ranks the sixteenth most common surnames in China. There’re about 43 million Chinese who have the surname of 杨 Yang.
Her Chinese given name 锦 Jin symbolises the metal element of her mother’s surname Ferrer (meaning Smith). It means bright and beautiful.
清 Qing (the second character of her Chinese given name) means clear, clean, peaceful. It reflects Amelia’s personality, occupation, dream lifestyle and personal preferences – be as clear and flexible as water, living beside the sea, travelling across the oceans, writing that reflects and shares her life experiences through travel services.
From the ill-fated Chinese name 爱米乐 Ai MiLe, to the imagery meaningful memorable Chinese name 杨锦清 Yang JinQing, this is the transformation in Amelia Homs Ferrer’s Chinese name journey.
The step-by-step instruction video Ellen created for Amelia allow her to write and pronounce her Chinese name clearly and confidently.
Get a Chinese name right, at the first time, by the right designer. You can too.
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